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Shaping Tomorrow: Tracing Sustainiam’s Journey from Bangalore to the Global Stage of Sustainability Milestones

Sustainiam, a Bangalore-based startup operational since 2023, is leading the way in sustainable practices across various industries. Collaborating with sectors like real estate, beverage, textile, and defense, Sustainiam provides accredited resources to help achieve sustainability goals.

Operating in India and the US, with plans for global expansion, Sustainiam’s client base spans India, the Middle East, and Europe. The startup also extends its efforts to rural areas, empowering incentives for small installations to large renewable energy plants.

Sapna Nijhawan, Founder and CEO of Sustainiam.
Sapna Nijhawan, Founder and CEO of Sustainiam

“Having solidified our position in the Indian carbon markets, we’re thrilled that this will ensure a much better standing in the global market,” says Sapna Nijhawan, Founder and CEO of Sustainiam.

Milestones achieved by Sustainiam

Sustainiam has achieved remarkable milestones since its launch. Key accomplishments include:

  • Collaboration with Coca-Cola: Sustainiam partners with Coca-Cola to significantly reduce its carbon footprint, setting a benchmark for environmental responsibility in the beverage industry.
  • Hospitality Sector Impact: In 2023, Sustainiam led emission offsets by partnering with 12 ITC hotels across India, making them the first LEED-Platinum hotels.
  • Extended Partnerships: Sustainiam partners with WelcomHotel, Adani, and Lodha to foster sustainability across various enterprises.

ECal Emissions Calculator: This tool monitors Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, enhancing transparency and accountability in sustainability efforts.

Also read – Bangalore Startup Sustainiam Launches ECal

Industries investing in sustainability aren’t just securing future; they’re co-creating a future worth inheriting.

Sustainiam – Future Goals

Looking ahead, the startup aims to continue its expansion and establish a stronger global presence across various industries. By 2025, Sustainiam plans to expand operations to 20 new countries, targeting a 400% increase in its global client base and achieving carbon neutral target for its partners.

Sustainiam’s dedication to sustainability and innovation positions it as a key player in the climate-tech space, committed to making a significant global impact.

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