Blogger Interview – Nyxie, Mental Health/Wellness Blogger
As we have started Bloggers Interviews Series and published the first interview of Britt here, today we came up with a new blogger story. In this post, I interview Mental Health/Wellness Blogger, Nyxie.

So let’s hear about her journey from her own words. Let’s get started!
Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
My name is Chloe, but I’m known as Nyxie both to my friends and online. I’m in my late twenties and hail from Northern Ireland, where I live with my partner and rescue cat, Willow.

I’ve always been a writer, having written many short stories as a child and then later longer, more disturbing short novels. It was only earlier this year when I rediscovered my passion for writing after having given up for over three years due to other commitments. My mental health and the need for an outlet led me to create my blog, Nyxie’s Nook.
Nyxie’s Nook is a blog dedicated to recovery, mental illness, mental health awareness, and general wellness. On the blog, we discuss many topics ranging from specific mental illnesses (such as Anorexia Nervosa) to more light-hearted topics like what to buy your yoga loving pals.
I have other interests other than writing such as reading, video games, yoga and learning all I can about alternative medicines. I’m a big fan of the concept of Ayurveda and hope to feature more about the practice on my blog in later months.

Describe how did you first get into blogging?
I first got into blogging during my teenage years. Back then I was using Livejournal and Tumblr as a way to record my deeply misunderstood feelings. The internet became the only place anyone understood me and so I wrote short stories, journal entries and fanfictions on my blogs for all to read.
As mentioned I gave up writing for over three years. My spare time in the final year of university was used for researching, writing essays, studying and working part-time. My creativity fell away to the wayside, not to be discovered again until I began blogging in early 2019.
After a breakdown in December 2018 due to various mental health issues and family problems, I was left feeling desperately alone. I began writing on January first, and continued to write privately throughout the month. Writing became my escape from the world, but in March 2019 I finally decided to release my thoughts and feelings to the public. I created a twitter account and started sharing my blog around.
The response I’ve since received has been amazing. When I first set out with my blog, I had no idea what I was doing, all I knew was that I was enjoying myself for the first time in a long time. I finally felt like I had found something that ignited my passion for writing again.
I continue to be awed by the feedback and love I have received from the writing community. I never expected anyone to enjoy reading my content, and the fact that they do is so rewarding and gives me a much-needed self-esteem boost.
What is your writing process, do blog posts come easily to you or do you spend lots of time on each one?
My writing process varies from month to month. Lately, I’ve been coming up with ideas in bulk, usually in the car or while showering. It’s something about the silence that really allows my mind to think clearly.
I often find myself ‘writing’ entire blog posts in my head while I drive down the M1 or while applying conditioner to my hair. It’s great, but also a curse because I never seem to have any paper around when I’m coming up with excellent one-sided conversations.
When I settle on an idea I set about researching, outlining, drafting and editing. In total this could take me around 3 days, give or take. This isn’t including the time it takes to create graphics, schedule posts, update socials and promote content.
My ideas usually come from life experiences, life lessons, conversations I’ve had, questions I’ve been asked and, on occasion, Quora.
Related Post: Blogger Interview – Cindy Moore
What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?
Success in blogging is acquired slowly. You need patience, you need to write what you love and you need to stay true to yourself. If you’re writing content quickly or just for the views, then your audience will know. It’ll show in your writing, so be true to yourself and what you want to write about.
Also, be sure to promote like hell! Use Facebook, Twitter and community threads! Don’t be afraid to read, comment and share other bloggers work. Make relationships with other bloggers and support each other!
In the future, where do you hope your blog will take you?
I would love to continue to grow my blog to a place where I can sustain myself. Work has been difficult for me lately, so the ability to work from home every day and make enough to pay my mortgage is a big deal to me.
At the same time, I want the blog to grow bigger and better! More content from not only me but a variety of guest writers, graphics for download, eBooks and Podcasts. I’m lucky that I have so many ideas about where I want this blog to go that I have trouble containing them all. I’m somewhat impatient and want to get everything done now, so prioritizing isn’t my strong point!
**I should note I recently announced a new Podcast for my Patreons. This will be released in on September second and consists of two Podcasts a month.
Would you encourage other people to make their blog?
If you’re prepared to put the work in then, by all means, start a blog! It’s fun and the community is amazingly supportive.
A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?
I haven’t discovered the secret of making money yet. It doesn’t come easily and you could find yourself pouring hours into a blog, only to make pennies. That’s the reality and unless you are willing to put the work in, to have patience and to spend hours of your time on your blog, then this might not be for you. If you’re highly dedicated and a Type A (like me) then definitely give blogging a go.
If money is your goal I highly suggest going self-hosted as soon as you possibly can. This means you can reach out and get monetized to start earning something, no matter how small.
Get yourself into an affiliate marketing program such as the one offered by Amazon.
Have patience, continue to engage and promote and, most importantly; Never Give Up!
Related: How to Make Money Using Blogging
What do you think about my blog What do you like about it and what improvements you will suggest?
I love the site and I honestly think you have a great job. I love the professional look of the blog, the interviews with other bloggers and the variety of articles.
My main concern would be the lack of Pinterest on show. Pinterest is a massive source of traffic for bloggers once it gets going, and I highly suggest using Pinterest on a more professional level. If this is already the case then make sure it’s advertised more.
Vanesh: Thank you Britt and Nyxie for suggestion regarding Pinterest Button, I have installed and configured plugin suggested by Britt.
What are the TOP THREE blogging tips you will share with our readers?
- Go self-hosted ASAP!
- Pinterest
Get to know it, get to know how to make amazing graphics and pin, pin, pin! - . Always know where you’re going next.
Don’t be stuck writing a post last minute – always have an idea of where you’re going with it when it’s going to be published and stick to your deadlines!
Related: TOP 12 Blogging Tips for Beginners
Where can our readers find you?
You can find across social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. I’m even on Linked In! Failing all those channels, you can find me over on Nyxie’s Nook, and can get in touch via the contact form provided.
Finally, I can be found on Patreon where I offer all my supporters access to the newly founded podcast ‘Let’s Talk About It.’ I’ll also be coming to my Patreons with various other projects in the future.
Great interview. I have been lying your blog, and I can’t wait to see what great things are coming in the future. I’m sure with your drive, dedication and passion, you’ll find it sustaining you before you know it!
Thank you, Britt, for your valuable comment!
“Never give up!” I love it! She inspires me so much! Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you Jen for reading Nyxie’s story and yes she is an inspiration for us 🙂