Meet Charis Jones, the founder of BlogWithCharis
We have started this Bloggers Interviews series to share the Blogging Knowledge to all other bloggers across the globe. We have interviewed many bloggers across the globe who have shared very important blogging tips with our readers. And we are happy with the love you all shown for this Bloggers Interviews series. Today, we are introducing Charis Jones the owner of the She writes about what she had experienced or learned and posts according to the reader’s questions or concerns. Her blog posts are really inspirational and helpful for personal growth.

Blogger Interview: Charis Jones, the founder of BlogWithCharis
Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
Hello, my name is Charis Jones I am a 47-year-old woman who currently lives in London but originally from Northern Ireland. I did not go to university but have worked in hospitality for over 20 years. I currently work in a well-known restaurant in Central London.
My blog is called and my blogs are based on what I have experienced, see, and from others asking for advice when they subscribe to my blog.
Describe how you first get into blogging?
I started my blog in July 2020 to help share my journey to happiness and to help and inspire others too.
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
When another person tells you personally that your blog has had a profound impact on their life then that is my motivation. That for me is priceless.
One of my blogs ‘The First Cut Is The Deepest’ was written for a young lady called Lucy who self-harmed. Her story was shared to help anyone else who might have been feeling she did. When there is a human connection as raw as this, you want to help, you want to write.
What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?
Being consistent with my content.
I try to post at least once or twice a week but do not beat yourself up if you cannot either. I have also combined my online shop and clothing brand under this will naturally allow for more traffic and views to my blog.
Do not be afraid to share your blog on all social media channels, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, and do not forget to use the hashtag “WritingCommunity” and “I am writing”. These will connect you will like-minded people and help you on your journey.
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
My blogs have given me the purpose “to help others” and for that, I will always be blessed. My blog has also inspired me to write my first book which I have just finished. A book to inspire others to choose their own happiness.
Would you encourage other people to make their blog?
Yes. I have connected with so many wonderful and talented people on my journey but what I have observed is the main reason they do it is because they enjoy it. What joy to be able to do something that you love.
A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?
For me personally, my blogs were never about making money I simply wanted to do something that I loved and to inspire and help others. For those who do I would say first you need to enjoy it. Enjoy the writing, the process, the experience.
There are many ways to make money, creative writing, freelancing but they all require patience, hard work, and heaps of self-belief.
What are your thoughts/feedback about
I think that it is great for anyone who wants or is thinking about starting up a new business, but they are not sure how. Setting up an eCommerce business can be daunting so any advice on platforms, user-friendly tips, and how to build your own platform would help and encourage so many to take the first step.
What are the TOP THREE blogging tips you will share with our readers?
- Be true to yourself when you are writing and find your own style.
- Be open and honest about what you are writing.
- Most of all, enjoy it.
You can follow Charis Jones on Twitter.
We at TechnoVans started this Bloggers Interviews series especially for Bloggers. The purpose of this bloggers interview series is Share the Blogging knowledge with all the bloggers across the globe.
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I love hearing about other bloggers! This is such a refreshing read and I particularly like your advice for other bloggers xx