Meet Minosh, Full-Time Tech-Blogger
Let’s meet Minosh, Full-Time Tech-Blogger from SriLanka. I personally love his blog. He is doing a great job by helping other bloggers in this competitive blogging world. Lets get some important blogging tips from him.

Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
I’m Minosh from SriLanka. I started a new blog named “TalkBitz“. Now I’m a full-time tech-blogger. I’m writing about new tech facts that people commonly facing. I would love to help minds to solve out their tech-related problems offering better solutions as I can.
Describe how did you first get into blogging?
As I remember I started a website which is in grade 8 or 9 offerings music downloads. That’s completely failed. After that, I headed about to blogging using the blogger platform commonly known as I wrote many articles in the Sinhala language, and no one cames to those blogs. After that, I moved to learn about web designing and developing using WordPress. At the end of 2018, I started my blog named
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
I love to teach someone about anything I know. Also, I love to blog. I think if someone starts to do what they love, it will be a success in the future.
What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?
It’s SEO. I’m still learning about it. Most of my visitors came from Google. Also, Pinterest worked for me. As my experience, It’s hard to SEO a blog article nowadays but if you wrote it focusing a growing keyword, that’s surely become rank up in Google.
Related Post: Tips to get more traffic to your blog
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
I want to make more websites and wish to rank up all on Google. And I hope to help people and start advertising focusing on what people already looking for. The main goal is to generate my income by offering valuable things to my blog visitors.
Would you encourage other people to make their blog?
Yes surely. Anyone can be becoming a blogger from any field. It’s easy to begin these days. Just start it with the right plan.
A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?
Just imagine if your house plan goes wrong what happens? If you have the right plan, surely blogging can become an easy way to earn money. But it takes time. You have to find your own strategy related to your blog. Just focus on what you are blogging and write it in a unique way. Don’t try to copy someone. Just be you!
Related Post: How to Make Money Using Blogging
What do you think about my blog What do you like about it and what improvements you will suggest?
It’s really awesome. There are a lot of resources for beginners. You’re doing a great job! I don’t have any improvement to suggest right now, but it’s better you can fill your sidebar when scrolling to down.
What are the TOP THREE blogging tips you will share with our readers?
#1 Have your right plan: Try to make unique content on your niche. Always plan your journey. Never think blogging as a simple online money making method. Try to make your own brand through blogging. Never struggle with one blog. Start your next one always.
#2 Make it searchable: Write the content people really need. For SEO you need trending keywords rank higher positions in Google. Use tools like Google Keyword planer, Google Trends, Ubersuggest to find which things people are really looking for.
#3 Monitor it: Tools like Google Analytics help you to what kind of people are engaged with your blog. Just target them and find their interests. find the most valuable day you getting more traffic to your blog. Find a new way to get more attraction.
Related Post: Sarah, the woman behind
Where can our readers find you?
I’m regularly on my main blog:
Also, you can find me on Twitter, Instagram and as well as on Pinterest.
Are you a Full-Time Tech-Blogger? What are your thoughts on Full-Time Blogging? Please let us know in the comment box. Let’s help each other. Grow together.
Follow Vanesh, founder of TechnoVans, on Twitter.
I’m so glad I took the time to read your article. I appreciate the three tips and am working with them for my website. Looking forward to your next article. – phillis
Thank you Phillis! I am having very busy schedule now days in a full-time job! Still I am trying my best to help Bloggers!
Some great tips here. The main takeaway is one that is SO important for any new blogger – to make sure you have a plan going into it if you plan on being successful. Blogging success doesn’t just magically come to you because you chose to start writing, it is the result of specific actions taken with a goal in mind.
I am a reader of Minosh’s blog and I can say his work is really professional and interesting to read! Another great read Vanesh!
Thank you Chris!