Let’s Meet Mr. Nitinn Chaudry, founder of Dayal Travels
Nitinn Chaudry, founder of Dayal Travels, sharing his journey with all of us. Get some inspiration from him
“To never give up” is one motto I’ve always coddled close to my heart.

Let’s Meet Mr. Nitinn Chaudry founder of Dayal Travels
“To never give up” is one motto I’ve always coddled close to my heart.
I was 17 years old when the nudge to work dwelled in me. From selling travel tickets from B to C to building the empire called Dayal Travels all by myself, I’ve dodged a zillion stepping stones. I chose selling travel tickets not for any specific reason but because that was the available option. Solely inspired by myself I always believed that no business required rocket science. Marching as a one man army is how i’ve rose from the ashes. Luck was never in my favor, I’ve worked hard & make it my passion to reach the peak I am at.
For me, growth has no limit.
Dynamism is what keeps you up with the trends. From working with Pro-Kabbadi, providing worldwide car services, tie-ups with over 80,000 hotels to being the travel partner for the film “Bharat” I’ve evolved my business as well as my personality. Business is already huge, we just have to get there!
Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani is my forever inspiration. He’s the one I’d pay my regards to for he’s the only one who taught me to spread my wings & sore high.
“Touch the sky but never forget your roots”.
I crave for success at any cost & refuse to be anything but successful. For me work is worship & focus is stability; when everyone else was enjoying their life I was busy constructing & adding on to my aims & aspirations. I definitely don’t know where my future would take me but what I know for sure is that when I look back at my journey all the hardships will count & all I’ll see is a success. Focus, passion, hard-work are my three mantras to attain constant triumph. Never give up on your dreams, believe in them & strive to achieve all your shooting stars!
Website: www.dayaltravels.com
- Nitinn Chaudry, founder of Dayal Travels