Meet Angie, founder of She Can Blog
Hello everyone, glad to introduce you Angie Makljenovic, the founder of the blog called She Can Blog. Angie is sharing her blogging journey and some important blogging tips with us. According to her, the most important blogging tip to drive traffic to your blog is writing SEO-friendly blog posts. I hope you will enjoy this Blogger Interview.

Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog(s)?
Hi there! I’m Angie Makljenovic – van Liesdonk, a 35-year-old blogger from Hilversum, a city close to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. I’m a mother of a 16-month old girl, Ana, and wife to Aleksandar.
If you’re looking for tips about blogging, affiliate marketing, SEO, and entrepreneurship, my blog She Can Blog is the place to go!
I started this blog 1 year ago and it’s my passion ever since! I love to blog, and I love to share all my tips and tricks with others so they can achieve their blogging dreams as well!
Before my blogging-life I used to do something completely different; I worked for Child Protection Services in Amsterdam in an administrative position. It was fine for the first few years I worked there, but I quickly realized working a 9 to 5 office job wasn’t going to make me happy in the long-term. It did take me some years to find out what I really wanted to do with my life, so I stuck around, feeling miserable and unhappy. 3 years ago, when I finally left my job and had the freedom to start a business of my own.
How will you introduce yourself in three words?
Hard-working, passionate, kind
Describe how you first get into blogging?
When I quit my job, I still wasn’t sure what I was going to do to make money instead. I did know I wanted to start my own business, and that I wanted to be my own boss. Looking for a new office job wasn’t an option. I tried out many different online jobs as a freelancer, such as translating, transcribing, helping other businesses with their websites, and copywriting on the freelancer platform Upwork.
At Upwork, I noticed there was a high demand for people who had SEO knowledge, so I decided to take a course in it, even though I had no idea what SEO even meant at the time. It was advised during the course to start your own blog, to put into practice what you’ve learned. This is how I started my first blog around 1 year ago, and She Can Blog is my second blog.
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
This is a very good question because blogging can be very demotivating and daunting in the beginning. 😉 It takes a lot of time to build a blog that receives a good amount of traffic, and you need to put many hours into it before you start to see some results.
Still, I have this drive in me, that tells me this blog is my future, and that I shouldn’t give up on my dreams. On top of that, I just enjoy blogging so much, it’s easy to stay motivated to keep my blog up and running.
What’s the hardest part about blogging for you?
The amount of patience it requires until you start to see results. I know many bloggers promote how you can earn an x-amount of money in just 3 months of blogging, or how you can get 100,000 visitors monthly on your blog if you just follow their courses, but in reality, most blogs take time to grow. I just recently started to see real growth on my blog, but I needed a lot of persistence to get to this point, and I’m still far from the goals I want to achieve.
What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?
Working on SEO. I used to spend a lot of time on Pinterest marketing, but I later learned organic traffic is a much more stable source of traffic. I started to see growth after I put my main focus on working on my website’s speed, optimizing my content for SEO, and working on my backlink profile.
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
My goal is to make a full-time income blogging. I want to move abroad with my family and that’s why it’s so important to me to be able to make an income wherever I go. My husband is from Serbia, so we want to be able to spend a good amount of each year in his home country, as well as to live close to the beach in Greece. 🙂
Would you encourage other people to make their blog?
Yes! I encourage everyone to start working on your online presence. I think digital businesses have the future, and the earlier you start building on yours, the better, especially because it takes longer to build. When you start today, who knows where it’s going to bring you 10 years from now!
A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?
Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme (unfortunately haha!), but if you’re passionate about what you do, put a lot of love and patience into it, and if you’re willing to work hard, I believe you can make money with a blog on the long term.
What are your thoughts/feedback about
TechnoVans is an awesome platform for blogging and technology lovers.
I enjoy reading Vanesh’s blog posts that are packed with tips for startups and I enjoy reading his interviews with other bloggers to discover new awesome bloggers to follow as well. It’s just a great blog, and I’m incredibly honored to be featured here. 🙂
What are the TOP THREE blogging tips you will share with our readers?
1. Focus on SEO!
2. Be patient
3. Connect with other bloggers as much as you can to learn and grow together. The blogging network is amazing.
You can follow Angie on Twitter.
If you have anything interesting to share with us then please contact us.
TechnoVans is the best platform for Startup Stories, Business Growth Tips, Bloggers Stories, Blogging Tips, Tech Stories, etc.
Angie is a great friend and an inspiration for me! I’m so glad that she is interviewed. The tips she shared are really helpful. So happy to read this interview. Great work!
Informative, insightful, and just cool! I worked with Angie a tiny bit and she is a genuinely good soul. I am so happy for her success today and the big future she has ahead of her! Thank you for interviewing one of my personal favorite bloggers, loved reading about her journey and advice. Keep up the great work!