Blogger Interview – Denelia, Lifestyle Blogger
We started this Bloggers Interviews series with the first interview of Britt K in June 2019. We are happy to let you know that we received a lot of positive feedback on this Bloggers Interviews series. The main reason for continuing this series is our readers mainly bloggers love to read such an interesting and amazing blogger’s experience on TechnoVans. Our today’s guest is Denelia, a part-time blogger and full-time student. So, let’s learn something interesting from Denelia, the lifestyle blogger!

Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
Hello everyone!
My name is Denelia and I am a lifestyle blogger. I currently live in Toronto, Canada, and work on my blog in whatever free time my life as a student gives me. On my blog, you will find content in entertainment, social media, blogging, and study. My main goal as a lifestyle blogger is to inspire my readers to start living the life they’ve always wanted.
Describe how did you first get into blogging?
I started my blog as a hobby. If you take a look at my first couple of posts you can see that there wasn’t much of a purpose with my content. Everything was just all over the place. However, when I familiarized myself with Pinterest and saw so many bloggers being serious about what they do, it made me want to do the same. So, I did all the research I could and learned as much as I could, then Denelia Storm was born.
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
To motivate myself I read motivational quotes. I actually have an entire board on Pinterest dedicated to motivational and inspiring quotes. Something about the feeling I get when reading these quotes makes me want to conquer the world. So whenever I’m feeling down or overwhelmed about blogging, I scroll through my Pinterest board to feel better.
What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?
Definitely Pinterest! As a blogger, I know you’ll read a bunch of articles about people getting thousands of pageviews from Pinterest and believe you could never see the same success. But I promise if your stick with it and implement the right tips you’ll see what amazing things Pinterest can do for your blog.
I’ve learned so much about Pinterest in the last few months that I’ve taken it upon myself to share what I’ve learned with other bloggers. That why I’ve recently started a Pinterest Graphic Design service where I create highly-converting Pinterest pins for people that may not know how to. If you’re a blogger struggling with using Pinterest for blog traffic, consider hiring a Pinterest Graphic Designer.
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
I honestly don’t know where I hope my blog will take me. I know that in the end, I want to be a successful blogger, but I haven’t officially defined what success means for me. I’m trying to live in the present and focus on where my blog is now and how I can improve upon it.
Would you encourage other people to make their blogs?
Yes, I would encourage other people to make a blog. Blogging is a good hobby and even if you don’t do it publicly and only write for yourself, it can still benefit you. Depending on what your writing about it can heal you mentally and spiritually. So I would encourage everyone to make a blog just to have a creative outlet. Blogging is a great past time.
A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?
I haven’t seen a lot of success in making money from blogging. But like others, I’m still working on it. I think the two things you need if you want to make a profit from your blog, is time and patience. You’ll have to spend a lot of time learning about the different monetization methods and how to set them up for success. It takes a lot to implement it properly and actually start a steady income stream so patience is a must.
One thing people seem to forget is that with blogging, you have to give a little to get a little. Investing in your blog is the best thing you can do, especially if you want to make a profit. By paying for advertisement space, an online course, or software your more likely to see results. It was only after I Purchased Tailwind was I able to see a growth in my blog traffic. If you don’t put anything into your blog, nothing is going to come out.
What are the TOP THREE blogging tips you will share with our readers?
1. Everything doesn’t need to be perfect, you’re allowed to make mistakes. When I started to take my blog seriously I wanted everything I created to be as perfect as possible. I was driving myself crazy trying to implement good SEO, creating Pinterest graphics, and staying active on social media. After all of that work, it was actually one of my older posts that we’re able to rank number one on Google, not the ones that I spent so much time on. So, allow yourself to make mistakes, perfect doesn’t always mean better.
2. Spend more time learning and less time doing. There is a lot to learn about blogging, the knowledge is never-ending. Before you do something, try to learn as much as you can about what your about to do. I can’t even begin to count the number of hours I’ve spent working on my blog only to figure out what I was doing was wrong. Don’t overestimate your skills, if your unsure do your research.
3. Hard work pays off. If you spend as little time as possible working on your blog that will reflect in your statistics. The more time you put into learning and improve upon your skills the more success you’ll see in your blog.
Where can our readers find you?
You can find me on my blog Denelia Storm and also on Twitter and Pinterest at Denelia Storm.