Top PHP frameworks used for Web Development
Top PHP frameworks used for Web Development

Now a days Web development is mostly done using open source technology. Today we are going to understand the Top PHP Frameworks used for Web Development.
The mostly used Open source Web Technology or Web Development Programming Language is PHP. PHP programming language is widely used for the web application development.
Developing Web Application in PHP is very easy now a days.
What is PHP?
- PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.
- A server-side scripting language
- Used for web development
- PHP is used for dynamic web applications
- It can be embedded into HTML
- PHP is usually used in conjunction with a MySQL database on Linux/UNIX web servers.
What are PHP Frameworks?
PHP Framework is ready made structure to do a web development. Most of the codes/functions are ready, we developers just need to call it or use it.
- A PHP Framework is a collection of classes which help you develop a web application easier.
- PHP Frameworks provides basic structure to build the web applications.
- PHP Frameworks save developers time.
- PHP Frameworks reduces the amount of repetitive coding for developers.
- The general idea of PHP Framework is nothing but a MVC ( Model View Controller )
What is MVC in PHP Frameworks?
MVC stands for Model View Controller.
When a user requests a resource, the controller responds first. The controller understands the user request then request the necessary data if necessary.
Lets understand MVC in very easy language:
- Model relates to Database operations
- View relates to User Interface
- Controller relates to business logic.
Developers should use PHP frameworks for speeding up the development process.
Stability is another big reason developers are utilizing frameworks.
Popuar PHP Frameworks:
1. CodeIgniter
- CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework used to build a dynamic web sites.
- It is mostly used PHP framework now a days to build a web application.
- CodeIgniter PHP Framework follows the MVC pattern. ( we will write a detail guide about MVC in next one of the article ).
- CodeIgniter is very easy to learn. Any Fresher developer can start on this framework and speed up the development.
- While configuring the PHP framework, CodeIgnter is famous among developer because of effort investment.
Learn and Download the CodeIgniter
2. Laravel
Laravel is top PHP framework used now a days for big web applications.
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.
- Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.
- Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications.
- Laravel aims to make the development process a pleasing one for the developer without sacrificing application functionality.
- Developers prefer Laravel over to other frameworks because of the performance, features, scalability it offer. It follows Model View Controller (MVC) which makes it more useful than PHP.
- The documentation of Laravel is detailed and along with sample codes, it’s easier to learn the Laravel Framework.
Note: Laravel takes more time to learn than CodeIgniter Framework.
3. Symfony
Symfony is a PHP web application framework and a set of reusable PHP components/libraries.
- Symfony is an extensive PHP MVC framework and the only framework known to follow PHP and web standards to the tee.
- Symfony is the perfect choice for developing large-scale enterprise projects. It’s easy to install and configure on most platforms.
- Symfony is one of the most feature-rich PHP frameworks. The two most outstanding technological benefits of Symfony that make it so awesome are Bundles and Components.
- Symfony has proven its reliability over time while many other frameworks failed.
- Symfony is a stable and well-tested framework with regular updates. The most recent versions stay long-term supported and compatible with the newer releases: up to 3 years for some of the versions.
Note: Symfony targets advanced developers and is a bit harder to start with. Means Symfony takes more time to learn than both CodeIgniter and Laravel.
4. CakePHP
CakePHP is an open-source web framework. It follows the model–view–controller approach. CakePHP 3 is a web development framework running on PHP 7.3 (min. PHP 5.6.0).
- CakePHP is one of the easiest frameworks to learn, especially because of its CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) framework.
- CakePHP PHP Framework is simple and easy to install, as you only need a web server and a copy of the framework.
- CakePHP is mostly used to develope big commercial applications becuase of its security features like SQL injection prevention, input validation, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection, and cross-site scripting (XSS) protection.
- CakePHP enables the coders and developers to present enchanting web representation in an easier way.
- CRUD advantage of CakePHP enables a web designer to read the useful codes and implement those codes in an easier way after extensively scrutinizing those codes.
- This framework is very easy to manage and even a lesser experienced developer can work on it with ease
- CakePHP is one of the most cost effective and beneficial frameworks for web developers.
5. Yii
Yii is an open source, object-oriented, component-based MVC PHP web application framework.
- Yii too is a lightweight development framework with powerful caching. The helps in creating faster sites as it uses the lazy loading technique.
- Yii is a generic Web programming framework, meaning that it can be used for developing all kinds of Web applications using PHP.
- Like most PHP frameworks, Yii implements the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern.
- Yii is a full-stack framework providing many proven and ready-to-use features: query builders and ActiveRecord for both relational and NoSQL databases; RESTful API development support; multi-tier caching support; and more.
- Yii performs much better than other platforms as far as a number of requests it can take per second.
- Yii genuinely helps in creating modern web applications, and ensure that all of them performs well.
Note: In Yii, simple routing is possible as a route for every action is not required. All route actions are picked up by default. So Yii can be chosen over the Laravel for ths point.
We at TechnoVans tried our best to give you the information about Top PHP frameworks used for Web Development.
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