Blogger Interview – Shraddha Verenkar
We at TechnoVans trying our best to publish Bloggers Stories, Bloggers Interviews so that the bloggers can learn from each other. Every blogger we interview at TechnoVans shares their interesting blogging experience and the learnings with us. Today, we are introducing you to Shraddha Verenkar, Indian Blogger. You will love her words!
Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
I am Shraddha Verenkar and I started blogging 2 years ago. I mostly write about my day to day innate thoughts and experiences which behave as a catalyst to grow in life. Besides blogging, I run a Period Movement where we make young minds aware of menstruation and other important related aspects. I also work as a Waldorf teacher in Mumbai. Recently, I wrote about a fun online contest that was organized by one of my kids in class.

How will you introduce yourself in three words?
If I have to precise to the extent of three words – Assertive, Receptive & Empathetic.

Describe how did you first get into blogging?
I have always been writing since I can remember. As I didn’t have any friends in my childhood and terrible in verbal communication, I think a paper and a pen just took over. So, I grew up to be an introvert and the reserved person on the outside (But that’s not true anymore). Two years ago, my hostel-mate and I were having a meaningful conversation when suddenly I said, “Wait, too many thoughts are rushing inside. I need to write this.” She gave me my space. After I was done, I showed it to her. She read and instantly said, “Wow! Blog it!”. And that’s how it started.
It was a wonderful feeling to put it out to people who resonate with you. I then started to blog my thoughts. The only difference I felt was that, before I used to write and keep my book back in the closet. Now, it wasn’t the case. I connected with others at a different level.

How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
As I said earlier, I blog about the relatable things around me which . So, I have to constantly work on myself and that’s how I get my blog content. Or maybe it also works the other way! Yes, it does become challenging at times to think of what to write; but I guess that’s a very natural thing to happen to a blogger. I am thankful to my readers who wait patiently and appreciate my work whenever I post about it.
Also Read: 6 Motivational Quotes for Bloggers from Bloggers
What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?
I think connecting with the right people have worked for me the most. I believe when you focus on connections, you increase your audience; they are your loyal readers and they do share it creating a butterfly effect. So getting more traffic in such for me is building meaningful connections.
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
I am sure if I keep writing the way I am doing and focus on upgrading my skills, something big might be a calling! As of now, I don’t have a blueprint for my future ready, to be frank.

Would you encourage other people to make their blog?
Yes, of course! In fact, I have already done that. Just a few months ago, my friend started to blog and I must say this is a wonderful feeling. I love to help people grow and encourage them when needed. Moral support is really needed in today’s times.
A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?
Well, I am still exploring this area and am quite naive in it. So I will surely answer this question when I actually have experienced this for myself.
What are your thoughts/feedback about
I have seen the site and I really like the fact that it’s diverse in a unique way. The series of interviews and information of technology looks interesting. I would surely recommend it.
What are the TOP THREE blogging tips you will share with our readers?
1. Be consistent – This is very important. We need to be consistent in writing blogs. I know this is challenging for me too. So, even though I can’t blog at times, I choose to connect with bloggers on social media platforms.
2. Be Resilient – Its not going be a smooth graph. So being resilient is important. Even if things go out of hand, be receptive and bounce back.
3. Explore everything about blogging even though it doesn’t relate to your niche. You never know how you can help yourself with those skills later in your life.
How can our readers connect with you?
Also Read:
1. Blogger Interview: Brajesh Kumar Singh
2. Blogger Interview – Lomash Kumar, Indian Tech Blogger
3. Important Blogging Tips by Amit Agarwal
This sign of spreading wings slowly by network. Good going.
Thank you Chintaman!
Loved reading your answers
Beautifully replied to all questions
Thank you, Jyoti!
Thank you so much Jyoti aunty!
Shraddha thanks for sharing your views and your interview was inspirational
Special thanks to Technovans for bringing such amazing interviews
Thank you, Suresh!
Happy Blogging!
Great post, love Shraddha’s blog so it was nice to learn more about her! Thanks for sharing.
Great interview. I realy like you guys on how you share ideas. Is true we learn from peoples experience and you are such an angel.