Interview with Neha Tekwani, best selling novelist
It’s the very first time, we are featuring authors on TechnoVans! And we are fortunate to get an international popular author Neha Tekwani, from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh ( India ). She has authored 15 novels and 15 short stories. Aside from entertaining people through her books, she intends to inspire them through the concept of self-love, acceptance and obtaining a balance between professional and personal life.
Interview with Neha Tekwani, best selling novelist
Tell us a little about yourself.
I am Neha Tekwani, otherwise known as NehZ or TunesOfHeart to my readers and fans. I am a Motivator, Influencer, Author, and Poet. Born and brought up in the city of foodies and love, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

I’ve obtained a diploma in personal grooming and etiquettes. My highest qualification is a Master of Business Administration. Planning, organizational designing, and development are like a sport for me which even makes me a Business Administrator and Strategist.
Aside from having the intellect from different fields, I’ve been a consistent and quirky part of the publishing industry for over seven years now.
When did you first realize you wanted to be an author?
When my avid readers turned, fans began to demand the paperback of my novels in 2016. Though, I didn’t give it much thought then at all until later when my readers kept on increasing and there was no stopping my creativity from expanding.
When did you first consider yourself an author?
29th October 2019, when my first International Anthology went live on Amazon.
How many books have you written?
I have authored around 15 Novels and other 15 short stories which are published digitally to date, alongside co-authoring international anthologies with distinctive publishing houses.
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?
I don’t really have a schedule for writing because it’s something I feel intensely and start writing on coming across anything or everything that incites inspiration in me. It could be an orphan selling vegetables on sunny noon or the interior of a five-star hotel during a grand reception. I believe one should never limit their creativity to a particular time or thing. It must be explored at any place, time, or day.
How long does it take you to write a book?
Usually, I manage to finish all my first drafts within a months’ time. In case, I can’t then a two or three, but I won’t ever put myself in any stagnant energy ever, where I feel lost about my plot. That’s not me.
When did you write your first book?
In November 2014.
How do books get published?
A team of editors from an Indie or Traditional goes through your manuscript on submission. If they approve, then the script is put under the three stages of copy, line and developmental editing which can last for more than three months or so, depending on the satisfaction of the Author and the publishers.
Publishers invest a dedicated time for the promotional events, marketing strategies, and advertising the Authors work (fiction or non-fiction) for an agreed cost as the books are made available worldwide digitally or in paperbacks or hardcovers.
Self-publishing is becoming a trend too and that too, a successful one.
What is the most difficult part about writing for you?
Querying can be a tedious task to do for the chances of selection are from negligible to negative most of the times though, I’m infected by the disease of optimism.
What advice would you give new writers?
Your first draft is your infant which needs to be nurtured with care, dedication, and patience to become an adult (final draft).
Listen to your heart and intuition and begin pouring your souls out but make sure you don’t take family or friend’s criticism at heart if you ever opt to make them your first free readers. They’re not your target audience but a distraction and never give up on your novels.
Where can readers purchase your books?
Starry International Writing App and Amazon are the places you should be looking for my novels and Anthologies. You’ll find the freebies on Novel Now and Wattpad too, though, I’d say wait for me to bring the final sizzling products on Amazon.
Thanks a bunch to everyone who’s willing to purchase them and whoever decides to beta read them. I appreciate you all. Happy Reading!
You may want to follow Neha on Twitter.
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