Riya Hassani – Fashion Blogger ( Influencer )
As we started Influencers on Instagram series, today we will introduce you to Riya Hassani – Fashion Blogger.
Name: Riya Hassani
Age: 24
Followers: 16800

Please introduce yourself to TechnoVans audience
Hello, myself Riya Hassani from Surat, I am a lifestyle blogger, I started blogging with many dreams in my mind and I feel blessed when I achieve them. Exploring Fashion has always been my passion. I love to explore the new fashion trends, products, and anything related to fashion. So, I thought it should be shared with people to keep them updated so I started my blogging journey.
How frequently you do a paid promotion of brands?
Why people should follow you on Instagram?
People should follow me on Instagram because I always try to bring the best and unique content possible. Another reason because of which people should follow me is that I try to be the real. I always try to give people the latest updates on Fashion. Also, I try to update my followers regarding the new products available in the market in the Fashion industry.
Where would you like to be in blogging five years from now?
Though I have achieved a lot in my blogging career I am always hungry for more. So, there is still more to do in my blogging career. I am moving forward to achieve my dream in my blogging career in the upcoming 5 years.
What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?
Every journey has some hard times, in my blogging career there were also some hard times where I thought to quit the blogging but the dream and passion, I have for blogging has helped me to go through hard times easily. Everyday providing the good content is always challenging but I always love to provide the best possible content for my blog.
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
There are times in life where we are demotivated but we have to give the best even on the worst day. I believe in keeping the things real so it gets a little bit easy to keep the blog running. Also, I always follow this line “BE YOU, BE REAL”. It has been a roller coaster journey so far in the blogging career, sometimes up and sometimes down but it has been a great ride so far.
What is your advice for new fashion Instagrammers to grow on Instagram?
My advice for the new bloggers is that try to be real and just focus on the good content and the number of followers and likes doesn’t matter because the content matters the most. You should focus on what you bring to your followers that others can’t. So, focus on your content only.
Riya Hassani – Fashion Blogger on Instagram: @theflavour.tummy
Don’t forget to follow her!

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