Startup Story of The Clueless Company founded by Mehul Fanawala and Manasi Shah
We are featuring the startup story of The Clueless Company on TechnoVans. TCC has an interesting journey and you will love it.
The beginning
The marketing team generates leads, the sales team closes the leads and the support team retains those customers. While these operations are critical for a business’s survival, there happens to be a lapse in them across a majority of organizations.
Mehul Fanawala observed this during 13 years of working in sales and support.
Facing these issues frequently and getting no permanent solution gave birth to the idea behind The Clueless Company (TCC), a startup that aims to solve these problems once and for all.
TCC is a business consultant for B2B SaaS companies to help them improve their marketing, sales, and customer service operations equally and efficiently.
Let’s take a look at the journey so far and where TCC is headed to.
Leaving the job
Leaving a high-paying job is a difficult decision, especially when you have been working for 13 years and have a family to take care of. In such cases, emotional and financial barriers are high enough to make you think multiple times before making any decision. But no barrier is big enough when you see the problem on the other side waiting for you to come and fight and prove your worth.
Finally, Mehul decided to leave his job and started The Clueless Company.
Why the name The Clueless Company?
Companies don’t always have the right direction to move forward and they are clueless about how to grow and improve their performance; especially in marketing, sales, and support departments, without which you don’t have a business.
With their name, TCC wants to signal that they are more than happy to be the catalyst companies need for growth.
What’s up with this logo?
This bit is interesting.
Let’s take a look at the following graphic as one good image is equal to a thousand words.
The logo includes the journey of clueless businesses and individuals from being lost to growing in the right direction, and of course the letter C.
TCC loves being the helping hand in this process of cluelessness to success.
Getting a co-founder
Manasi Shah, the marketer TCC always needed, was hard to convince.
While she was there for TCC from day zero, she was adamant about not becoming an official partner.
Mehul being Mehul, kept following up and Manasi officially joined TCC full time.

Efforts in launching TCC
Oh, don’t ask these questions to founders.
From getting GST registration to getting legal documents fixed to running from one counter to the other, it’s so exhausting.
While work from home is so admired and praised, it’s hard to get your company registered when you don’t have an “office” office.
Well, the legal stuff was tiring though operationally it was all smooth, thanks to the experience Mehul and Manasi had of managing huge teams.
One incident Manasi and Mehul recall is that initially, the official email of TCC was not working properly. It was there in the eyes of the public but no emails were getting delivered to TCC until someone pointed it out to them.
That incident was a huge realization of how things change when you are not just an employee anymore.
Manasi pointed out that she had a hard time digesting the fact that she is running an actual business of her own. This mindset shift is required to break out of the employee bubble and become responsible enough to be called a founder.
Services provided by TCC
TCC provides consultation services:
- For the Clueless Startups
- For the Clueless Enterprises
- For the Clueless Marketers
- For the Clueless Sales Representatives
- For the Clueless Customer Service Representatives
- For the Clueless Communicators
- For the Clueless Investors
TCC provides additional services as well, such as website auditing and SEO services as à la carte.
Challenges faced by TCC founders
While managing people has never been a tough task for Manasi and Mehul, establishing clear communication did take time.
When you are a work-from-home startup and you hire interns who are still in college, it’s hard to get everyone to work simultaneously. Though they figured out how to make the working hours fully flexible and get the deliverables.
Another challenge that Manasi pointed out was the struggle between action and patience, a struggle between being a co-founder and a marketer. As a co-founder, she wants to leave no stones unturned and do everything in her control to make TCC a success, while the marketer in her knows the importance of patience.
She has now set the middle ground to experimenting and learning and having patience.
Mehul added that often clients tend to underestimate the importance of one of the three major processes; marketing, sales, and support.
TCC does every possible effort to educate the clients and help them find a clue about everything business.
Future goals of The Clueless Company (TCC)
So far TCC has grown to a team of 8 co-workers and has 19 customers on board.
Future goals include expansion to various countries and building a high-efficiency team that backs TCC just like Manasi and Mehul do.
Moreover, TCC aims at developing its very own SaaS product in the future. A major part of TCC’s mission is to focus on inclusiveness.
Manasi and Mehul aim to onboard co-workers and clients from all sections of society without any bias toward anyone.
The Clueless Company is almost a year old now. Mehul and Manasi thank the team that backs TCC, customers who believed in TCC, and a loyal community.
TCC aims for equality and not for the division of people into groups.
TCC aims to grow manifold and is determined to guide the clueless folks throughout the journey.
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