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TCS Work from Office: TCS does not support remote work – asks employees return to office for WFO

TCS Work from Office: TCS warns employees to return office in next 10 days or face action. The company has now set the end of March as the final date for employees to return to work.

TCS Work from Office - The company has now set the end of March as the final date for employees to return to work.
TCS Work from Office – The company has now set the end of March as the final date for employees to return to work.

The company extended the deadline for employees to return to work last month by a quarter but has now set the end of March as the final date for employees to return to work. TCS chief operating officer NG Subramaniam said that there would be repercussions for not complying with this deadline.

“We are exercising patience but have taken a principled stand that employees have to get back to offices,” he said. “We have sent employees the final communication on this and if they do not, there will be consequences to face.”

“With the kind of cyberattacks in today’s context, an organisation can inadvertently get into trouble. One cannot have the kind of controls at home and there can be security risks to businesses,” he added.

Prioritizing Offline Interaction and Restoring Original Culture

During a Nascom event, TCS spokesperson Subramaniam highlighted the significance of offline interaction and the restoration of the company’s original culture. He expressed concern over the impact of the pandemic on remote work, stating that approximately 40,000 employees joined and left the organization online without any offline interaction. Subramaniam emphasized that this situation was not conducive to the organization’s well-being and stressed the need to regain their original culture.

Learning from Senior Employees’ Performance

Subramaniam further emphasized the value of learning from senior employees’ performance. He stated that the most valuable lessons are acquired by observing how experienced colleagues carry out their duties. By witnessing their expertise and work ethic, employees can gain invaluable insights and improve their own skills. This observation-based learning approach is seen as a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth within TCS.

Traditional Office Environment for Optimal Work Setting

TCS firmly supports the belief that the traditional office environment is the most effective setting for work. CEO K Krithivasan echoed this sentiment during the same event, expressing the company’s stance on remote work. According to Krithivasan, critical learning experiences occur when colleagues and superiors are observed in action, emphasizing that such experiences are difficult to replicate in a remote work scenario. TCS places great importance on maintaining a physical office setting to foster collaboration, mentorship, and efficient work processes.

Also read – Tech Mahindra asks employees to report to office 3 days a week; effective from 1st April

Motivating Employees to Return and Leveraging Learning Experiences

At the event, TCS CEO K Krithivasan also discussed the company’s ongoing efforts to motivate employees to return to the office. Recognizing the irreplaceable nature of critical learning experiences that occur through observing colleagues and superiors in action, Krithivasan emphasized the importance of being physically present in the workplace. By encouraging employees to return, TCS aims to create an environment that maximizes learning opportunities and facilitates professional development.

Final words ( Summary ) about TCS Work from Office:

TCS, a leading company, is urging its employees to return to the office for work instead of continuing remote work. They have set the end of March as the final date for employees to come back, warning of consequences for non-compliance.

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