Bloggers Interviews

Meet Dr. Preeti Chauhan founder of Sin-ply Pretty – She talks about health, parenting, books and food

Today we will meet Dr. Preeti Chauhan in the Bloggers Interview series on TechnoVans. Preeti is founder of Sin-ply Pretty where she talks about health, parenting, books, food and more than that. You will get to learn many things from this interview as she has shared her journey, wins, learnings and experience with us along with some important blogging tips.

Dr. Preeti Chauhan founder of Sin-ply Pretty
Dr. Preeti Chauhan founder of Sin-ply Pretty

Blogger Interview – Dr. Preeti Chauhan founder of Sin-ply Pretty!

Can you please tell our readers about yourself?

I was born in a small village in Uttar Pradesh. Growing up, I had the incredible opportunity to experience life in different parts of India and even abroad, thanks to my father’s work with the central government. This diverse upbringing exposed me to a wide range of cultures and languages, which definitely shaped my open-mindedness and global perspective. Now settled in Delhi, I always had a passion for writing, and I was fortunate to receive recognition for it.

After dedicating 15 fulfilling years to building a successful medical practice, I decided to pursue another dream – blogging! Since 2015, I’ve been happily juggling both worlds, treating patients while also sharing my thoughts and experiences through writing.

During the lockdown, I earned a postgraduate degree in Psychology. I’m thrilled to announce that I recently co-authored my first published book, ‘Brave Inked Emotions’!

Dr. Preeti Chauhan co-authored  book - Brave Inked Emotions
Dr. Preeti Chauhan co-authored book – Brave Inked Emotions

So you can say I am a Medical Doctor, Lifestyle and Health blogger, Mentor and Counsellor, and a published author.

How will you introduce yourself in three words?

That’s an interesting one! From what people tell me and what I believe, I think you can say I am Simple, Empathetic, and Mindful.

Can you please tell us more about your blog Sin-ply Pretty?

I’m so excited to share the story behind Sin-ply Pretty. Back in 2015, I had just welcomed a brand new baby into my life and decided to take a leap by leaving my job as a Branch Head at Dr. Batra’s Super Specialty Clinics. With a little extra time on my hands, I felt the urge to do something lighthearted and creative.

That’s when Sin-ply Pretty was born!

What started with restaurant and product reviews quickly evolved thanks to some amazing readers. Many of you pointed out my background in medicine, which inspired me to incorporate health content. Now, Sin-ply Pretty is a vibrant Health and Lifestyle blog dedicated to helping you live your best life!

We explore contemporary health issues, share tips for a positive and fulfilling lifestyle, and even delve into some awesome book reviews (because who doesn’t love a good read?).

How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?

I’ve been consistently blogging since 2015, fueled by two things: my passion for sharing knowledge and making a positive impact, and the amazing support I get from my readers! It’s truly rewarding to connect with them and see how my work helps others. Of course, being a doctor can be demanding at times, but those occasional gaps just make my return to blogging even more exciting. Plus, let’s not forget – who wouldn’t be motivated by the opportunity to turn their passion into something rewarding financially?

What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?

You are right, the key to a thriving blog is Traffic, traffic, traffic!

Luckily, I’ve found the blogger community to be amazing. They’ve shown me the ropes on everything from SEO and monetization to killer editing tricks. That, combined with staying on top of trends and weaving in timeless topics, keeps my content fresh and readers coming back for more.

Being active on social media is a game-changer too! Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are my hangouts, where I share not just awesome content, but also personal stories that help readers connect with me on a deeper level.

Instagram profile of Dr. Preeti Chauhan founder of Sin-ply Pretty
Instagram profile of Dr. Preeti Chauhan founder of Sin-ply Pretty

It’s all about building that loyal audience and staying relevant!

In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?

Who knew when I started this blog it would turn into such a journey? My passion just fueled my fire, and here we are nearly a decade later! I’m so excited to keep growing this community.

Sure, AI might seem a little intimidating at first, but it’s also an amazing tool! It helps us create even more captivating images and frees up time to focus on researching even cooler topics.

The future is bright, and I can’t wait to see what we create together!

A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?

Blogging started as a pure passion project for me, all about sharing experiences and having a creative outlet! That enthusiasm is what really fuels great blogs, and any money earned is just a bonus. Of course, if you invest time and resources back into your blog, it can definitely grow into something financially rewarding. But for new bloggers, the most important thing is to focus on being well-informed and keeping your readers engaged.

That passion and dedication will always pay off in the long run!

What are your thoughts/feedback about

I think is doing a splendid job as changemakers bringing us the latest in technological advances, government regulations, and AI products and I was also thrilled to discover an article about AI in Dermatology. Great work Team TechnoVans! I also would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me such a wonderful platform to share my journey with your readers. Cheers, and All the Best to you!

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Software Professional, Blogger. He writes about the Startup stories, Business Growth Tips, Blogging Tips, Influencers, Brands, Motivational real stories, etc.