Blogger Interview – Accidental Blogger ( Sumeet Manohare )
Our today’s guest in Bloggers Interview series is Sumeet, Accidental Blogger. We will get to know the reason behind the name “Accidental Blogger” in this interview. I personally love his writing style. He writes on various topic like Relationship, mental health, self help, etc. But what I like most on his blog is his poems. I too write poems but in Marathi, my native language. I don’t want to take your time, let’s directly jump to the Sumeet’s interview.

Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog(s)
Hello Everyone! This is Sumeet Manohare aka Accidental Blogger. That’s my pen name. I have a Blog named Writing My Heart Out where I write articles, poems and post pictures I click through my phone.
I write on wide range of topics like Self Improvement, Relationships, Mental Health and Poems on personal as well as social topics.
Describe how did you first get into blogging?
It was back in August 2018 when one of our professors suggested to build our own websites on WordPress.
I made a website and wrote a short article as my first post. Later I showed it to one of my friend and she suggested me to keep going.
And that’s how it all started.
I never had a plan to enter this Blogging world, it was just an accident. (That’s why “Accidental Blogger”)
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running
Being consistent on my blog gives me immense satisfaction and self belief. It helps me to improve in other areas of my life too.
That’s why I always try to stick to my Blogging schedule.
Often I write articles/poems in advance and schedule them to avoid falling into “Writer’s block”.
What do you think is the best strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to your blog?
The best strategy ?
It was never a strategy, but reading posts from fellow bloggers and interacting with them has helped my blog a lot. Especially in my initial days of blogging.
I made so many good friends because of my blog. And these people have inspired me to keep writing and blogging for this long time.
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
I am not sure where but hopefully it will be a peaceful place.
My blog has already taken me to a lot of places as I’ve got many opportunities because of it. Like Content writing for websites, magazines, getting published in college magazines, etc.
Also, it has developed an interest in the field of Digital Marketing. I have been learning and practising SEO from almost an year.
I am doing an internship related to the same field from last 3 months which is very exciting. I get to learn new things almost every day.
Would you encourage other people to make their blog?
Yes , of course.
People have so many talents in them but they supress it. They get busy in daily mundane life and slowly forget their own gifts.
I would definitely suggest such people to make their blog and explore themselves. This will not only improve their art but also help in other areas of the life.
A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?
It’s not easy but not that tough too.
You must know what you really want and learn how to get it.
I didn’t start blogging to make money. But if you are starting a blog to make money then you must do your research before starting out.
You can take help from information available on internet or someone who has experience in making money online. An experienced person can lead you better way.
Making money through blogging is possible and many are doing it. All you need is clear goal, correct information and consistency.
Related Post: How to Make Money Using Blogging
What are the TOP THREE blogging tips you will share with our readers?
1. High Quality Content: High quality content should be your all time priority. You must write content that is unique, creative, relatable and helpful. Yes, you can’t be perfect as soon as you start but always keep learning & improving your content.
2. Read Other Blogs & Interact: Reading Blog posts from fellow bloggers is very important. I have advised this to so many bloggers since I started out. But this interaction must be genuine, you can’t be spammimg someone’s blog, liking or commenting on all of their posts. This will actually make a bad impression of you & your blog. Make sure you read & Interact with content that you genuinely find interesting.
3. Be Consistent: I know it is not that easy, but it will help your blog in so many ways. If you post consistently then your readers will automatically keep coming back to your blog. They will wait for you to post on the scheduled days of the week. Consistency also helps in ranking on Google as your blog is updated on regular basis.
Where can our readers find you?
So, if you guys are interested in reading my articles, poems or watching pictures I post then you can checkout my blog – Writing My Heart Out.
Also I’m very active on Social media, so you can find me at following sites.
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest
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