30 Things to do after writing the blog post
30 Things to do after writing the blog post and before hitting the PUBLISH button
Writing a blog post is not that difficult, but writing a great and effective blog post is difficult. But don’t worry, I am going to share some great tips with you that will help you to make your blog post great and effective. Great and effective means a lot. So as the title of this blog post says I am going to share effective and actionable 30 things to do after writing the blog post.

30 Things to do after writing the blog post or while writing the blog post but before hitting the publish button
- Make sure that the title is of appropriate length, 60 characters.
- Make sure that the target keyword is included in the title.
- The title of your blog post should encourage someone to click through.
- The main entrance to your blog post is the title of your blog post. If you have written great content in your post but the title is weak then the possibility of click-through is very less.
- The title of your blog post is important in terms of SEO.
- The keyword you have chosen should be 3–4 words long.
- Make sure that at least one image is included in the post.
- Make sure that the image you included in a blog post is having an alt attribute defined and better if that alt text is having your target keyword in it.
- Better if the image name ( filename ) includes the target keyword.
- If the image you have downloaded from another website then don’t forget to give credit to them.
- The images or graphics should be of good quality, I recommend Canva to create quality graphics. Canva is available free to create some amazing photos or banners. I personally use Canva.
- Use headings and subheadings that will help to rank the post in search engines and also the post will be more readable.
- Make sure that the content is not copied from other blogs or websites. The content should be unique.
- In the first paragraph of the blog post, try to include the target keyword. The search engine looks for it when someone tries to search for it.
- Make sure that your blog posts for your reader and not just for search engines.
- Divide the post into small blocks of text, don’t write long paragraphs. No one loves the essay-type posts. Divide your post into small sections by headings and subheadings.
- The purpose of the blog post should get accomplished at the end of the blog post. The problem should be in a solved state.
- There should be no grammatical or spelling mistakes in a blog post, if you are making too many mistakes in a blog post then your readers might leave in between and the bounce rate of your blog will get increased. The bounce rate of your blog should be as low as possible.
- Use Grammarly chrome extension to check for the grammatical and spelling mistakes while writing the blog post.
- Yoast SEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress bloggers, I hope you are using it.
- Make sure that you have added a meta description for the blog post.
- Don’t overuse the target keyword in a blog post. Don’t force the keyword to include anywhere in a post.
- I repeat, write for your readers and not for search engines. Your blog post should be search friendly but while making it search engine friendly you should take care of the readability of the blog post.
- Add links to your related posts ( which are already published on your blog ), it will help your readers to get the right reference. It will help to keep the bounce rate of your blog low. Links of your own blog posts in your blog post called Internal Links.
- I recommend using external links wherever required in a post, just like I did in point number 11 in this post.
- If you are including the link of other bloggers then inform them by email or message about the same. They might share your blog post with their network or they might give a backlink to your blog post from their blog.
- If you are including any affiliate links in your blog post then you must mention somewhere in the same blog post as a disclaimer. Ideally, this disclaimer should be on top of the blog post or exactly above the affiliate link.
- Ask for action from readers at the end of a blog post. Ask for comments or feedback from readers.
- Add social share buttons to your blog post so that people can share your blog post easily. I use the AddToAny WordPress plugin to add social share buttons to the blog posts.
- URL of your blog post should be SEO friendly. You can set an SEO friendly URL in WordPress using Permalinks settings. [ See screenshot image below – SEO Friendly URL – Permalinks setting in WordPress]

I hope this list of 30 Things to do after writing the blog post is helpful for you as a blogger. This can be a great blog post checklist for you to follow while writing the blog post. Checking these things before publishing the blog post will make your blog post SEO friendly for search engines and readable for your readers.
Please let us know what other things you consider before hitting the publish button, you can leave a comment below or contact us.
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Great post! Really valuable information. I thin we all spend quite a lot of time to write the proper post, and are eager to click the “publish” button. And then – oops!
Hmmm. We are always in a hurry to hit the publish button. But better if we check some of the points I mentioned in the article, so that the post will become great and effective for both search engine and audience!
Although I have been blogging for 4 years, I feel these posts never get old! I need to stay on point and there really is so much to remember. Thanks for this post.
Rachel, thank you for your valuable comment. Blogging is a journey, we learn a lot in this. I love to experiment different things on my blog and share the outcomes with my audience.
Glad to know that you are blogging since 4 years… Happy Blogging!
I think I was doing two of these. Thanks, I will be incorporating more. Do you have any advice on fiction posts and how your points may differ for those?
I am not sure if all of these points are really applicable for fiction posts. But some of these are applicable, like title optimization, images, etc.
I will do more research on this and will try to write one detailed post for the same.
I might be overstepping but I feel like blogging is similar to raising a child. But I am glad that there’s this awesome community of bloggers there to help. Thank you for an excellent article.
Thank you Dr. Vador for your lovely words. And yes, I agree on our blog is like our child!
Great tips! There’s so much more that goes into writing a blog post beyond simply writing it. Thanks for sharing these suggestions!
– Briana
Hi. That’s a great blog post. Important, informative and educative to the fellow bloggers!
Thank you Swarnaprabha! Happy Blogging…
Helpful and detailed tips, thank you. I’m using a different SEO plugin for WP but I’m keen to try Yoast now.
Great! Thank you for your valuable comment.
Well detailed and helpful, I use Yoast plugin and it’s great. Thank you so much for this
Glad to know that you found it helpful. And I love Yoast SEO plugin!
Thank you for your valuable comment.
Some really nice tips to improve the SEO of your blog.
Thank you Tony!
Glad that you found it helpful.
Great checklist! I’ll be using this to make sure I check over future blog posts
Lauren | https://www.laurenyloves.co.uk/
Glad you found it helpful. Thank you for your valuable comment.
Very useful tips… But I think RankMath is better than Yoast seo plugin. I have used the two and know the difference. Thanks for sharing this checklist.
Hey, Thank you for your valuable comment. I haven’t used RankMath yet, I will check it out.
Very comprehensive list here. I am pleased to say most of them I do already but I have taken some really great advice from this.
Thank you
Claire x
Thank you Claire! Glad to know that you are already following some of these tips! And glad you found it helpful.
These are all great tips that all bloggers should practice. It’s definitely important to create quality content. I definitely agree that the YOAST plugin is very helpful. Thank you for sharing this!
Gabby | http://www.gabbyabigaill.com
Thank you Gabby! Yes YOAST is love!
This is such an important post so helpful! This will deffo help me next time i upload!
Thank you! Glad you found it helpful!
Love the article-great info. Thank you!
Thank you Jessica!
Thanks a ton for the tips. They are very user friendly and precise. Enjoyed reading it. Do keep on sharing. Have a great day ahead.
Thank you Muneeta!
well summarised post.
Think a quick & best guide for a beginner.
great post vanesh
Thank you Atul!
Very informative blog. Thanks for sharing and helping us all.
Thank you Pankhuri for your valuable comment!
Very helpful, thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thank you Richa! Glad you found it helpful!
Fantastic reminder. These are great tips to make sure we are posting and sharing high-quality content. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Vanessa!
Yes, Quality content matters! They say “Content is the King”. We say “Quality content is the King”!