Story of Muniba Mazari – A willful mind can fight all the odds
If God takes something from a person he will surely give more of something else to that person, these words for me define disability. A woman who broke all the rules of disability and molded the definition of disability. Her name is Muniba Mazari.

The accident that changed her life
Muniba was born in Pakistan in the year 1987. When she was 18 years old she got married and after two years she met with a car accident which terribly transformed her life, but she took it as a challenge. In that accident, her right arm, wrist, shoulder bone, collar bone, and her whole rib cage were fractured. Because of that fracture, her lungs and liver were badly injured her half body was fractured and a half was paralyzed. She ended up in 2 and half months in hospital and a lot of surgery. Lots of titanium in her arms and back to fix the broken bones. That’s why she is known as the iron lady of Pakistan.
When you share your story and it doesn’t make you cry, that’s when you know you are healed.
Challenges can break you or make you
Muniba loved to paint but while in the hospital where her life was torn apart, the doctor said that her wrist and right arm are fractured and she won’t be able to paint again or hold a pen in her whole life, which made her sad but she said okay.
And the next day the doctor came again and said her spine injury is so bad that she won’t be able to walk again in her life. That also made her sad but she said okay.
But when doctor came and said because of the spine injury and fixation in the back she won’t able to give birth to a child this line particularly broke her, every woman is incomplete without being a mother that day she started questioning her existence then she realized that words have the power to heal the soul because of her mother, she always told her that this too shall pass god has a bigger plan for you, these words kept her going.
She smiled as if she will give up her brothers and mother will be broken for their sake she put together herself.
You may want to read – Muniba Mazari : A true Motivational story (We all are perfectly, imperfect)
Art is therapy: Indeed
One day in the hospital she asked her brother to bring her some sheets and some color, she wanted to paint her pain out. She was tired to see the white walls she was surrounded by.
That was the first time she painted and it was therapy for her.

Art has power, it will heal you and your soul. It can make the impossible possible.
Accepting fears can change life
When she was discharged, she had a lot of pressure in her spine and hip bone. That’s when she realized she won’t be able to sit and was bedridden for 2 years and two and a half months she was able to sit in a wheelchair. It was a rebirth for her that day.
She decided on that day she will don’t wait for a miracle to make her walk overnight or she wouldn’t be crying but she would take this moment and live it for herself.
She wrote all her fears that day.
One of biggest fears was divorce, the day she decided that it was nothing but her fear she liberated herself by setting him free.
The second biggest fear was that she won’t be able to give birth but then she realized that there are so many children all they want is acceptance.
She decided to adopt a child no matter boy or girl and hence given her name to an orphanage and different organizations mentioning the point that she wants to adopt one baby and willing to be a mother, after two years she got a call from a very small organization asking her if she is interested in adopting there’s a two-year-old baby boy. She said yes and went to the organization the manager of that organization was sitting and watching her and while she was thinking she may get rejected as he may say that how will she take care of the boy she herself is in a wheelchair but then she was about to say, “look I may be on a wheelchair but…..” the manager interrupted and said, “I know that you will be the best mother of this child, you both are lucky to have each other”.
Another fear was to face people on the bedridden journey of two years. She closed her door and did not want to meet people because she didn’t want to gain sympathy from people.
The people on wheelchairs have a fear of lack of acceptance in the world of perfect people. They are imperfect but that was the day she decided she will appear more in public and also joined so many modeling campaigns and started painting more as she always wanted to. She also joined TV and did many anchor shows.
When you accept yourself as you are, the world will start recognizing you.
Backend ‘heroes’
On the road to success, there’s always we, not me. We cannot alone achieve things. There’s always a person behind you, maybe not coming in front but always supporting.
She has three heroes in her life.
First is ‘Waleed Khan’ the one who was shot in his face 3 times when he was in an examination hall and giving an exam by a terrorist.

The day when she went to the hospital to meet Waleed he was in a wheelchair. She was out of words but then the child asked, ‘Are you Muniba Manzari?’ She said, ‘Yes’. He smiled looking at her and said let’s click a selfie. She realized that when people have been happy with themselves about how they look, other people’s opinions don’t matter. After his recovery when he went to the same school, people ask him what happened to his face. He says the scars are my medal. I wear them with pride.
The second hero is her son ‘Nile’. She said she learned so much from him. The first thing is patience. When he knows how her mother is different he still stays calm. He loves to play football. One day ‘Nile’ asked her mom to play football and placed the ball in front of her. She said she can’t kick. That day she felt disabled and then Nile said your legs are not working but your hands are let’s play catching the ball. That day she realized the glass is not half empty but the glass is half full in all in your mind.

Last but not the least, the woman who believed in her when everyone left, always said to Muniba that this too shall pass, God has a bigger plan for you, and one day you will say that oh that’s why God has chosen me. Her mother always stood by her.
Life will always give you challenges, it’s up to you, how you face it.
Must read book – Written by Muniba Mazari – We are all perfectly imperfect
Muniba Mazari, faced a lot, still made it through everything. It’s all in mind.
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