
7 Things to Do Before You Leave Your Job to Start Your E-Commerce Business

7 Things to Do Before You Leave Your Job to Start Your E-Commerce Business 

Before starting out any business everyone considers to start it as a risk free hustle and then leave their 9-5 job. 

However most of the people leave their job and focus on their businesses full time, but the best part is that’s how it goes. You need to devote full time to your online business, otherwise it could take years for your business to grow. 

If you are planning to just start your online business or you are already up with your own e-commerce site, side by side with your job, here are the 7 things that you can accelerate its growth and make your e-commerce business a full-time job and leave your old unsatisfying job. 

Let’s proceed with 7 steps that you need to start for turning your side hustle to your full time business in no time.

7 Things to Do Before You Leave Your Job to Start Your E-Commerce Business
7 Things to Do Before You Leave Your Job to Start Your E-Commerce Business

Hire the right team

The team really would be a catalyst to your efforts. Sometimes we try to push the job all by ourselves without realising that there are already so many people specialised for a job and that would rather speed up the process for your growth. 

And especially with the job that you are having, hiring some people for freelancing does wonders to your start-up.

Focus on social media 

While you are on your Job working 9-5 on even more hours than that, working for your social media won’t be that tough. 

Just take out 2 hours of your day and create posts and write-ups for your e-commerce business. Increasing your social media followers and building up a community would be a great help for your e-commerce launch, as the D-day of your launch would entice people to also buy from you quickly as you would have already built up a community before-hand. 

And even if your site is launched, the best way to keep the audience attached to your brand is by being regular on social media and connecting with them on a regular basis. 

Start connecting with similar people 

Connecting with similar people from your business would be a great help to you in the long term. While you are already in your job working, weekends are a great option to start connecting with people who would facilitate your business in the long term. 

For example, if you are just starting out on a clothing line then the best way to make connections is by talking to people who sell raw fabrics, or the tailors who would be helping you out when your business starts gaining momentum. 

Research more and more, Planning more and more 

Researching about the business before starting is inevitable but researching even when you have entered the business world is how you are going to stand out. 

Sometimes researching before-hand is done properly but when one starts the business, it requires more efforts for you to start planning for the future and the planning is only possible when more research is done. 

If you are planning to leave your 9-5 job then research how people have achieved great success in their businesses, and then make a plan for that. 

Start with building up those foundations which are necessary for your business and then plan much ahead. Only then you can be confident to leave your 9-5 job and work in your business 9-5.

Also read – Business or Job? Which one should I choose?

Start creating a financial backup 

When you are in your job, no doubt it does provide you with a special thing called financial security. 

And leaving your job would snatch that away from you, obviously. 

A financial backup should be prepared for your business to keep it funded from your capital and also be sure of the income that’s coming in. 

So how should you create a financial backup? 

Write down the expenses that you would have to incur for your home expenses. Then adding to that would be your business expenses that you will incur. The next five year financial blueprint is all you require for your business before your leave your job. 

A small tip also I would prefer to give, which is quite obvious, that don’t leave your job before you start earning. 

Get your SEO check-up 

Sometimes not re-checking on your site SEO can be a big problem for your business. When in your job keep this in mind that your ecommerce business requires a lot of efforts and not just that, those efforts also count SEO of your site. 

In your job, you don’t have much time to mend those mistakes, great if you can over-work to do that. But this has to be kept done every week and months to ensure your site’s SEO health is good. Then you may hire an SEO expert for freelancing to do this job for you. 

Start collecting e-mail subscribers 

Getting your e-commerce business on track is what you need to do while you are stuck in your job. Start collecting your clients email address from day 1, because that would help you out when your business starts gaining momentum. 

Benefits of having your email subscribers list cannot be ignored and therefore move ahead with collecting them while you are in your job itself. 

Wrapping up 

A business needs your un-biased attention no doubt, but when people look out for a risk-free growth then you would need to devise a proper plan of action for that. 

The above points that are mentioned would help your business grow into your full-time business and would also make you confident enough to even leave your job so that you can operate your successful business venture.

Author Bio –
Name: Shambhavi Maurya
She is currently working as a full-time blogger and the CEO at IndiGalleria.
She owns the blog Life Amuses for Lifestyle Blogging and many more.

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Software Professional, Blogger. He writes about the Startup stories, Business Growth Tips, Blogging Tips, Influencers, Brands, Motivational real stories, etc.

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