Upskill India – Building The Future of Learning on the Internet
If there’s one thing which everyone agrees on is that the current education system is broken, the skills we learn are irrelevant or outdated and we don’t produce enough quality talent.
With the huge amount of money and time being invested into education with barely any tangible returns, the world is divided over whether spending years and lakhs in college for a degree for the purpose of getting a job is really worth it anymore. But if not colleges and institutions then what?
Learning On Internet
The Internet is a goldmine of knowledge and wisdom. Youtube is considered the biggest education library where you learn anything you want, from anyone you want at any time. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and others have seen nothing but a rise in online learning since the rise of COVID-19.
But still, less than 15% of students complete the online course they took up, and with the content overload, finding good quality learning resources is becoming harder.
But there are bigger problems than these which make learning on the internet even more difficult.
Learning on Internet is Broken, Boring and Chaotic
If we compare online learning to our traditional means of learning (School and College), there are few things it lacks.
Although the traditional means of learning isn’t doing good to most of us there is a reason it still works.
Our college education is Structured (don’t confuse it with relevance) – we know how the next 4 yrs going to be like.
A college education is output-oriented – Your learnings are tested in various ways in every aspect.
A college education is a community drive – We have always learned with a group or community and never in alone. Friends and community is the probably the best part of the college for any student.
When we compare this to learning on Internet, it misses all the 3 major pillars on which formal education is built. Learning on the Internet is a hit-and-Trial Game. A long tiresome process of learning which isn’t fun for anyone.
Learning on Internet made Easy, Fun and Collaborative
At Upskill India, they are building the Future of Learning on the Internet which stands on the same pillars of Structuredness, Output-Oriented, and Community Driven.

They are a curation-first platform to enable learning any skills in a gamified way with your peers from the best content and minds of the world so that you don’t have to waste hours finding it.
At Upskill India, they have a major focus on helping students learn skills that are often not taught or ignore in schools and colleges. The “Out-Of-Syllabus” skills like – Communication, Writing, Networking, Personal Finance, etc.
With Upskill India, Learning on the Internet has become Easy, Fun and Collaborative.
“We’re set out on a mission to help everyone become better every day and Upskill Together.” – Rinkesh Gorasia, Founder of Upskill India
About Founder of Upskill India
Rinkesh Gorasia is the Founder of Upskill India who is a CS grad. He Founded Savior Technologies a B2B Health-Tech Startup back in 2017 during his college days and Upskill India happens to be his second venture.

Since the pandemic, he has been working in the education space and has a passion for teaching which he actively does with Blockchain Cohorts and Bootcamps.
“Learning on Internet just got an upgrade. What’re you waiting for, come Let’s Upskill Together!” – Rinkesh Gorasia – Founder of Upskill India
- You may want to explore Upskill India, get it from Playstore.
- You can find more details about Upskill India on their website.
Also Read –
1. Upskill yourself with Daily Skills, the first Indian e-learning marketplace
2. Newesome – Fastest-growing platform to discover and shop from Indian brands
3. Her Success Story – Rashmi Daga, left her job to start an online kitchen – Fresh Menu