Interview with Aman Tayal – Founder at PaceMove ( Startup Story )
After a long time, we are publishing the startup story, interview with the founder. At TechnoVans we are trying our best to give the best content to our readers about startup stories, business growth hacks, business ideas, etc. Today we came up with the Startup Story of PaceMove. So this is an interview with Aman Tayal, Founder at PaceMove.
Startup Name: PaceMove
Founder Name: Aman Tayal
About Aman Tayal, Founder at PaceMove
Aman Tayal is the Founder and CEO of PaceMove. He is a graduate of Management in the field of Marketing. He has deep knowledge and experience in the Relocation and Logistics sector as he is born and brought up in the same work background which influenced him to implement creativity and technology in this business and achieve great heights. He has been Keen to learn something new constantly which leads to innovation and creativity in thinking.

Tell us about your startup, what products/services provided by your startup?
PaceMove is an intrinsic platform catering to the Relocation and Logistics needs of the customers. We have built a unique concept which is a blend of traditional methods and modern technology. The people willing to move from a place to another place in the city, from cities to cities, places to places are our target market which mostly involves the Corporate IT sector, Hostelites, Military officials, etc. We are a direct consumer-based service platform engaged in relocation and logistics.
We will be engaged in all relocation and logistics needs of the customers like packing, loading, unloading, moving, transportation, Relocations, Logistics, Warehouse, insurance, etc.
As soon as the customers get to know about us and approach us for their needs, we will explain and provide them an estimated quotation based upon their needs and requirement. This will be a cut-to-cut or a competitive quotation as we are providing direct service to the customer, not from the vendors. As we finalize our move, we will assign a move coordinator for them who will cater to all their needs and provide timely reports and progress of their move. This is the Basic work we are engaged with.
Why the name PaceMove?
We have chosen the name PaceMove to be our brand identity as the name is completely unique for which we got the domain, trademark, copyright easily. Top of that, as the name totally defines the work we do. It is short, sweet and meaningful. Pace meaning speed or rhythm and Move meaning Shifting or transferring something. So, overall it is the best we could find.
How did you come up with this idea? and how much effort you have taken to implement it?
As said earlier, being from a transportation background and business always on my mind, we tried to innovate the existing traditional business with the use of technology and digital marketing strategies. Thus, after researching and everything, we developed a product named PaceMove which caters to all the Relocations and Logistics needs of the customers.
A lot of effort has already been invested and a lot is still in progress. It took about 1 year of research work to develop, change and execute the work which we will do. The funding, expertise, marketing, etc. were all challenging and to enter a market that is completely ruled by the unorganized players, you have to be different from them and that has to be conveyed to the customers. Customer conversion is the hardest of all elements.
How much money did it require to start a PaceMove?
With all the expenses such as Website Development, Research, and Analysis, Legal documentation, Stationary, marketing stuff, etc. , It took about 1 lac to startup the company.
How much was your first income? How(where) you have used/invested it?
Even after Customer conversion being difficult at the start, the first income came very soon as we got online. The first income was of RS.5,500/- in the first order itself. I have used all the income from the business in the expansion of the business and developing new ideas and technology to expand the business overall. So, the investment of the first income is in business expansion.
How do you manage your time in a day? Please give us detail about your daily routine.
I am not an early bed type. Sleeping is of utmost importance to me. I complete 8-9 hours of sleep in a day. I wake up around 8 am and go for a morning walk, then after breakfast, I go to the office till 9:30 am. The regular work of the day starts with the conversation with new leads generated and follows up with the existing leads to convert them into a potential customer. If there is any order for the day, the team is accordingly assigned to do the work. I go home at 8 pm after the day’s work.
I spend a good time at night watching videos regarding new technologies, innovations, news regarding current affairs, motivational videos, subject matter Related videos, etc.
Then sleep as my data limit ends for the day. 🙂
What were the problems/challenges you faced up to this date? how did you overcome them?
The biggest challenge is the customer conversion due to the competitive and unorganized players in the market. We have to organize this sector which is majorly ruled by Unorganized players who cheat the customers by demanding more money after they have picked up the household goods or else they would not deliver the goods, so, they have to pay huge amounts to these people. Other challenges were the funds as you need a good amount of funds to market or advertise your product so that people can know about you and avail of your services. Marketing is also a great challenge as due to an increase in digital marketing usage, people have started to shift to digital marketing creating competition.
All the challenges are overcome not with hard work, but Smartwork.
How do you promote your product/services?
The basic advertising or marketing is done through digital marketing strategies. We have social media pages on all the platforms. We create listings on all free listing platforms. There are many lead generation websites from which we take help. We are striving to be the top-ranked Company on Google for our domain.
What are the future goals for your firm PaceMove?
PaceMove is a result of Smartwork. But, it is very small yet and we will try to expand the company in every city in the country and be the best in Our domain. Our Mission is to achieve perfection in the Relocation and Logistics sector. To establish a transparent and effective mechanism in this sector. Our goals and objectives include being a Leader in this sector and retain existing customers.
What you will tell our audience so that they will get motivation from you?
There are many golden rules you should follow in your life. Be it numerous motivational quotes around the internet, I just believe in one thing. We came in this universe to create an impact. Work for that impact. If it is not seen, it is okay, but it should be felt within and in the eyes of people praying for our bright future. And yes, don’t just do hard work, Do Smartwork.
Website: PaceMove
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