Blogging Experience: What I learned from 1 year of blogging
I started this TechnoVans my professional blog at the beginning of 2019. This is the start of May now so it’s almost more than a year of TechnoVans. Today I will share my blogging experience with all my readers.
As a blogger, I always keep honesty and transparency with my readers. In this post, I will share my blogging experience along with blogging income, blogging tips, etc.
Thanks Note for everyone who supported me in my blogging journey
First of all, I would like to thank each and everyone who has supported me in this blogging journey. Special thanks to sponsors for considering TechnoVans as a platform to get their Startup Stories published and promote their business.

I really enjoyed my blogging year 2019. This post may go too long, may be too lengthy for you. But I want to share as much as detailed experience of blogging. I never kept anything hidden from my readers, that’s why my readers love me and my blog!
Why have I started the TechnoVans blog?
Before TechnoVans I had started Blogspot free blog
After my post-graduation, in 2014, I was looking for a job as a software developer. But I struggled a lot to get a job. I was not able to get a job due to multiple reasons. I have given many interviews and get rejections every time or those were job consultancies demanding money. The day I was getting rejected I had written the questions asked there in the interview and did an analysis of why I got rejected. I prepared again and again for interviews.
So long story short, I have started Blogspot ( blogger ) blog to have all my interview questions and answers at one place. I used this blog to share my Job-Finding experience with job seekers. And I have experimented with different things on this blog, including Google AdSense.
Later I got a job, I lost the focus from blogging, to be more specific, from that blogspot blog.
After almost 4 years, I bought the domain at the start of 2018 for my own dream software company. But I haven’t taken this dream seriously and here I have started the professional blog in January 2019, called TechnoVans with the punch line “The Technology Lovers”.
TechnoVans borned to provide –
- Blogging Tips
- SEO Tips
- Startup Stories
- Bloggers Stories
- Technology Updates
- Business Ideas
- Business Growth Tips
- Motivational real stories
Must Read: How I Started Blogging
Challenges I faced in my blogging journey
#1 Earnings from blog
I started blogging as a hobby and not for money. Blogging is not my source of income. I am a Senior Software Engineer by profession and earn enough money from my job. So there are no such major challenges I think in terms of getting money ( earning ) from my blog.
Still, I got many sponsorship requests, I have accepted some of those which matched with my blog niche/theme.
I earned Rs. 4400 from sponsored posts in 2019. Google AdSense income is negligible ($40). I have maintained the income reports in Google Doc ( excel sheet ).
I already have shared my blogging income along with some important tips in some of the posts –
- My Blogging Experience – Blogging Income of first six months
- Blogging Experience and Earnings from the Blog ( Sept. 2019 )
2020 Goal for Blogging Income:
I have goal to double the income from sponsored posts, means I need to focus more on helping entrepreneurs to get their startup stories published on TechnoVans.
#2 Google AdSense
Main challenge for me is earnings from Google AdSense. This is actually not a challege because I never focused on Google AdSense for my blog. As a reader, I hate ads on any blog, honestly. Hence I think ads should not disturb my readers. I haven’t experimented Google AdSense that much, recently I have activated auto ads. Lets see where I go with Google AdSense, but I am not that much positive when it comes to Google AdSense for blog.
Must Read: Tips to Get Google AdSense Approval Within a few Days
#3 Increase the traffic to blog.
This is the main challenge for almost all the bloggers, I think. Increasing the traffic was always a challenge for me. I have implemented different tips provided by blogging experts. Traffic means readers. Bloggers are NOTHING without readers.I agree that I haven’t increased the traffic that much I wanted to, but I got success to keep my blog traffic consistent.
My blog traffic is 700 to 1000 visitors daily.
I want to share some important tips which I have implemented to increase the traffic to my blog –
Learnings ( or benefits ) from Blogging
#1 On page SEO and Off page SEO
I am working in the SEO Development team, so whatever I learn at my job I apply to my blog. I got to learn a lot while doing On-Page SEO for my blog. Some of my posts came on top of Google Search Results.
I check my blog performance using Google Analytics and Google Seach Console.
Google Analytics really help me regarding traffic details like, geographical areas, how much time a user stays on the post, entry pages, exit pages, bounce rate, etc.
Google Search Console helps me to identify if are there any errors on my pages when the user opens it on mobile. It also helps me to identify which websites are giving backlinks to my website, which of my posts are top on Google Search results, etc.
I have shared some SEO Tips which will help you to write SEO Friendly blog posts.
#2 Connection with Bloggers across the world
Blogging have given me an opportunity to connect with bloggers across the globe. I have joined some Facebook Groups to learn and promote my blog. These groups are really helpful for bloggers.
I recommend these Facebook groups to grow ( or promote ) the blog:
I have started Bloggers Interviews series on my blog to get those amazing bloggers to experience shared with TechnoVans readers. I am thankful to everyone who has participated in that series.
Some of those Interviews are:
#3 Extra money (side business)
I said blogging is my hobby and not a business, still, I have one section on my blogging that is Startup Stories. As I share my blog traffic details with my readers some of the startup founders want to share their startup story with TechnoVans readers. Sharing their startup story will help both TechnoVans readers and that startup to grow their business or advertise their business.
As money is not the purpose of my blog, I charge only Rs. 500 for my time and efforts to get their startup story published.
How I spend my blogging income
The income from my blog sometimes helped with my bread and butter. Especially in this lockdown, my salary got delayed so my blogging income helped me to buy some essentials.
Note – I will write another detailed post about my blogging income of 2020.
Also I don’t spend anything from my pocket for my blog. Whatever I earn from blogging I spent for my blog only.
Let’s take a break in this post about my blogging experience
I can share a lot in this post about my blogging experience of one year. But I would like to share that in other posts. I would love to hear from you about what specific things you want to know from my blogging experience. Use the comment box below this post or contact me.
You can follow me on Twitter, I am more active there. Let’s grow together!
Congratulations on a great year! I love the blogging community and am SO thankful for the opportunity to connect with everyone. I can’t wait to see what 2020 will bring for you 🙂
Thank you Britt for every support and motivation!
Happy Blogging
Thank you for sharing. Posts like these really help new and inexperienced bloggers like myself. I learn a lot and wish you all the best.
Thank you Denelia!
Inspiring journey vanesh
Thank you Atul!
Hi Vanesh,
It is really great to read you on your own page. I have gone through your post, it is very nice and informative. As a blogger I wish to have an A2Z step by step information for the people who have their own stuff but may be they do not have an idea about how to go ahead? Your answer can help them a lot. I know many creative guys who are just stuck up in between for this reason.
First of all, Thank you Sir for your valuable comment on my blog post!
You are a great motivator for all. I love your quotes.
And yes, I will try to write a detailed a post about how to set up a blog so that it will help everyone who wants to start a blog to showcase their talent.
Thank you once again!
This is such an inspiring and helpful post for upcoming bloggers. Also, congratulations on completing more than one year of your blogging journey. May you achieve many more milestones in the upcoming years.